Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sit-ups v. crunches?

250 sit-ups for time. I did these at the gym, where I just discovered they don't have a bar to hook your feet under. Crazy. I took a 75# barbell and laid it across my feet to keep me in place. Not really thinking about it I started doing these in the same style as the standard Marine Corps PFT crunch. In retrospect this may have been a mistake. I made it through the first 100 in just under 2 min. The next 150 took over 10 min, for a total time of 12:44.  Oops.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this was a test of patience...i blew out the first 50 and then all down hill from there. What is a PFT crunch? arms behind head? across chest? upside down? just kidding.
